
Past Issues


03.17.2025   Will Brood XIV cicadas appear in the DMV? Yes, no, and maybe – Magicicada septendecim, Magicicada cassini and Magicicada septendecula

03.10.2025   Jaws of the jungle: Leafcutter ants and Army ants  

03.03.2025   Wicked spines and long legs spell trouble at night for creatures in the rainforest: Whip spider, Paraphrynus spp.

02.24.2025   Spooky eyes on the Stygian rainforest floor: Headlight beetles, fire beetles, Pyrophorus spp.

02.17.2025   A friendly encounter with a very large tarantula: Red Rump Tarantula, Tliltocatl vagans

02.10.2025   A pair of pretty assassins: Assassin bugs, Reduviidae, in the rainforest

02.03.2025 Bananas in Belize get some help from stingless bees: Stingless bees, tribe Meliponini

01.27.2025 Monarchs ring in the New Year at home: Non-migratory Monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus


12.23.2024   Tinsel, the Christmas spider and other arthropods that decorate your holiday tree

12.16.2024   Insects roasting on an open fire: Bess beetles, Passalidae, carpenter ants, Formicidae, darkling beetles, Tenebrionidae, and longhorn beetles, Cerambycidae

12.09.2024   Cold weather arrives but don’t let your guard down for a tick attack: Blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis

12.02.2024   What do insects do in winter, Part 3? Avoiding the big chill: emerald ash borers, Agrilus plannipenis, ground beetles, Carabidae, fall webworms, Hyphantria cunea, harlequin bugs, Murgantia histrionica, and kudzu bugs, Megacopta cribraria

11.25.2024   What do insects do in winter, Part 2? Tolerating the big chill: Banded woolly bears, Pyrrharctia isabella, field crickets, Gryllus spp., baldfaced hornets, Dolichovespula maculata, and others

11.18.2024    Dashing caterpillars predicting weather and preparing for winter: Banded woolly bear, Pyrrharctia Isabella, Giant woolly bear, Hypercompe scribonia, and Saltmarsh caterpillar, Estigmene acrea

11.11.2024   What do insects do in winter? Migrants in the DMV: Common Buckeye, Junonia coenia, Variegated Fritillary, Euptoieta Claudia, Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui, and Large Milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus

11.04.2024    Catching up with magical monarchs: Monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus

10.28.2024   Just in time for Halloween, insect zombies! Mind-altered crickets, ants, beetles, flies, and cicadas 

10.21.2024   Bugs in orange and black: A spooky Halloween trick for predators, Small and large milkweed bugs, Lygaeus kalmii and Oncopeltus fasciatus

10.14.2024   From the Bug of the Week mailbag a rainbow arrives to preserve our air from “The Infection of Dungs”: Rainbow dung beetle, Phanaeus vindex 

10.07.2024   Watch out Tree of Heaven, native and invasive insects are ready to wage war on you: Ailanthus webworm, Atteva aurea, and spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula

09.30.2024   Eerie green lights along the Potomac: Glow-worms, larval Lampyridae

09.23.2024   Field crickets invade a home with a wake-up call: Fall field cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus

09.16.2024   From the Bug of the Week Mailbag: Who’s been munching on my deck? Dogwood sawfly, Macremphytus tarsatus

09.09.2024   Fright and fun courtesy of flying spotted lanternflies: Lycorma delicatula

09.02.2024   West Nile Virus and other Fly Borne Diseases in the News - Beware of disease vectors: the Northern House mosquito, Culex pipiens, Asian Tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, and other biting flies

08.26.2024   Pits of despair for ground dwelling insects: Antlions, Family Myrmeleontidae

08.19.2024   Mellow mallow bees, Ptilothrix bombiformis

08.12.2024   Throwback Monday: Recyclers in the circle of life - Bess beetles, Odontotaenius disjunctus

08.05.2024  Early rising bees in the pumpkin patch: Eastern cucurbit bee, Peponapis pruinosa, and two-spotted longhorn bee, Melissodes bimaculatus

07.29.2024   Bane of dogbane, the beautiful and the ugly: Dogbane leaf beetle, Chrysochus auaratus, and dogbane webworm, Saucrobotys futilalis

07.22.2024   Why am I seeing more spotted lanternflies? Lycorma delicatula

07.15.2024   Chafer madness: Oriental beetle, Anomala orientalis, and Asiatic garden beetle, Maladera castanea

07.08.2024   Always a surprise: European earwig, Forficula auricularia

07.01.2024   Watch out monarda munchers, a wicked wasp is coming to get you: Four-toothed mason wasp, Monobia quadridens

06.24.2024   Fireflies are busy flashing for mates! Lampyridae spp.

06.17.2024   Return of the monarda marauder: Raspberry pyrausta, Pyrausta signatalis

06.10.2024    Is the Jorō spider coming to your neighborhood? Trichonephila clavata

06.03.2024    From the mailbag: What’s that fly? March flies in May – Bibionidae

05.27.2024   Waxy lady beetles come to the rescue of pest-plagued crapemyrtles, Hyperaspis spp.

05.20.2024   From the mail bag - “Oh they’re back and they’re bad”: Spotted lanternfly nymphs, Lycorma delicatula

05.13.2024   Vanishing viburnums: vandalism by the Viburnum leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta viburni

05.06.2024   When ants move in: Odorous house ants, Tapinoma sessile

04.29.2024   From the mailbag: Fig-eating Kudzu bugs come to college, Megacopta cribraria

04.22.2024   Come one, come all to explore the Insect Petting Zoo: Maryland Day, Saturday April 27, 2024

04.15.2024  From the Bug of the Week mailbag – Be on the lookout for one slowly moving invasive pest: Euonymus leaf notcher, Pryeria sinica

04.08.2024   Nature’s other epic event this spring: Periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp.

04.01.2024    Why are males first to emerge for mason bees? Osmia spp.

03.25.2024   Wake-up call for boxelder bugs: Boisea trivittatus

03.18.2024 Spring arrives and with it, delightful Plasterer bees: Colletes spp. 

03.11.2024   Reveille for BMSB: Wake-up call for brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys    

03.04.2024   Beautiful butterflies pumping water: Daggerwings, Marpesia spp., and a pierid butterfly, Cepora spp.

02.26.2024  The Bornean caterpillar hunter: Potter wasp, Delta pyriforme

02.19.2024   Picking up good vibrations from big Bornean beetles: flat-faced (Lamiinae) and tooth-necked (Prioninae) longhorn beetles

02.12.2024   Destinations: Lizard Island, Australia and Mulu National Park, Borneo to learn about cooperation - a lesson delivered by Green tree ants, Oecophylla smaragdina

02.05.2024   Gi-ant! Malaysian Giant Forest Ants in Borneo, Dinomyrmex gigas

01.29.2024   Sorry DC and Baltimore, no periodical cicadas for you this year, unless you take a road trip: Brood XIII (13) and Brood XIX (19), Magicicada spp.

01.22.2024   Rainforest raiders: Fierce Leptogenys ants

01.15.2024   Encounters with Bornean kelulut: stingless bees, Meliponini

01.08.2024   Lanternflies:  vandals in vineyards, beauties in Borneo

01.01.2024 Recyclers of the rainforest: Bornean myriapods, millipedes (Diplopoda), and their nemesis, giant centipedes (Chilipoda)


12.18.2023   Deck the halls with boughs of holly adorned with cheery red and green berries! Green is good for holly berry midge, Asphondylia ilicicola

12.11.2023   Deck the halls with boughs of holly - and maybe some leaves with the native holly leafminer, Phytomyza ilicicola

12.04.2023   A mast year brings a bountiful harvest to acorn weevils, Curculio glandium

11.27.2023   Death of a Lanternfly, Part 3: When a Chinese mantis has an old friend for dinner – Chinese praying mantis, Tenodera sinensis

11.20.2023   Death of a lanternfly, Part 2: Lanternfly on the Thanksgiving menu for a gal called Carolina – Carolina mantis, Stagmomantis carolina

11.13.2023   Death of a lanternfly, Part 1: What a frosty night means to spotted lanternfly, Lycorma deliculata

11.06.2023  Bumble bee, carpenter bee, redux: Bombus spp. and Xylocopa spp.

10.30.2023   Bugs in orange and black, Part 3 – Trick or treat? Two-spotted stink bug, Perillus bioculatus, has a lethal trick that turns Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, into a tasty treat

10.23.2023   Bugs in Orange and Black, Part II: A spooky southern predator heads north in a warming world – Florida predatory stink bug, Euthyrhynchus floridanus

10.16.23   Bugs in Orange and Black, Part 1: Nightmare for collards when harlequin bugs arrive - Murgantia histrionica

10.09.2023   Magic of the recycle bin and an edamame surprise: Soldier flies, Stratiomyidae

10.02.2023   Danger in the wildflowers for bees: Ambush bugs, Phymata spp.

09.25.2023   From the Bug of the Week mailbag – Rose of Sharon on the menu for the hibiscus scentless plant bug, Niesthrea louisianica

09.18.2023   Got lanternflies? Tired of squishing? Get a spider! Black and Yellow Garden Spider, Argiope aurantia

09.11.2023   High fiber diets for baldfaced hornets? Nah, construction materials for enlarging nests: Baldfaced hornets, Dolichovespula maculata

09.04.2023   Dragonfly meets spider, spider eats dragonfly: Seaside Dragonlet, Erythrodiplax Berenice, and daddy-long-legs, Pholcus spp.

08.28.2023   From the mailbag - When spotted lanternflies arrive, do stinging insects follow? Eastern yellowjackets, Vespula maculifrons, and a few other friends

08.21.2023   Why am I seeing more spotted lanternflies? Lycorma delicatula

08.14.2023   Light pollution imperils Imperial moths, Eacles Imperialis

08.07.2023   From the mailbag - Large scary bees buzzing the backyard? Nah, Green June Beetles, Cotinus nitida

07.31.2023   Crazy, snaky worms in your garden? Could be jumping worms, Amynthas spp.

07.24.2023   Hammer time in the DMV: Hammerhead worms, Bipalium spp.

07.17.2023   Beautiful beetles and gnarly elm leaves: Larger elm leaf beetle, Monocesta coryli, and elm leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola

07.10.2023   Tiny raptors: Mantisflies, Mantispidae, and Praying mantises, Mantidae

07.03.2023   My, what ginormous jaws you have my dear: Elephant stag beetle, Lucanus elaphus

06.26.2023   Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde wage war on thistles: Thistle head weevils, Rhinocyllus conicus

06.19.2023   Yellow snake along the trail: Spicebush swallowtail caterpillar, Papilio troilus

06.12.2023   Oh no, engorged tick! Lyme disease? Maybe not: Tick Identification

06.05.2023   Vanquished vanishing columbines: Columbine sawfly, Pristiphora rufipes

05.29.2023    Bee Balm Blues Courtesy of Fourlined plant bug, Poecilocapsus lineatus

05.22.2023   Paper wasp dilemma, destroy or defend? Paper wasps, Polistes spp.  

05.15.2023   There will be blood: Northern House Mosquito, Culex pipiens, and friends

05.08.2023   Tigers along the Potomac: Bronzed Tiger Beetle, Cicindela repanda repanda

05.01.2023   A spotted lanternfly is born - Lycorma delicatula

04.24.2023   Come one, come all to explore the Insect Petting Zoo: Maryland Day, Saturday April 29, 2023

04.17.2023   Guardians of the galleries: Male Eastern Carpenter Bees, Xylocopa virginica

04.10.2023   Danger afoot for ground nesting bees: Look out for bee flies, Bombyliidae

04.03.2023   How nice to see a bee tree: Honey bees, Apis mellifera

03.27.2023   Destination Big Cypress National Preserve and Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Florida to meet the mighty eastern lubber grasshopper, Romalea microptera

03.20.2023   Destination Big Cypress National Preserve to meet a smiley face spider: Spiny orbweaver, Gasteracantha cancriformis

03.13.2023   Will record warmth result in suicidal emergence of tent caterpillars? Eastern tent caterpillars, Malacosoma americanum

03.06.2023   From the mailbag – Mealybugs, Pseudococcidae, in the greenhouse and their destroyer, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri

O2.27.2023   From the mailbag – Who’s that large dead insect on the driveway? Green June Beetle Grub, Cotinis nitida

02.20.2023   From the mailbag – Mud daubers and humans partner to create unique pottery: Black and yellow mud dauber wasps, Sceliphron caementarium

02.13.2023  From the mailbag – white lilies feeling the blues: Could it be the banded greenhouse thrips, Hercinothrips femoralis?

02.06.2023  Me and my shadow: Cellar spider, Pholcus phalangioides

01.30.2023   Rotting vegetation is picture perfect for picture-winged flies in paradise: Picture-winged flies, Drosophilidae

01.23.2023   On the prowl to paralyze pests here in the DMV: Four-toothed mason wasps, Monobia quadridens

01.16.2023   Paralyzing prey in Paradise: Keyhole wasp, Pachodynerus nasidens

01.09.2023   Unwelcome guests in Hawai’i: American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, German cockroach, Blattella germanica, and Western yellowjacket, Vespula pensylvanica

01.02.2023   Gulf fritillaries wish you a Happy New Year from their new home in Hawai’i: Gulf Fritillary, Agraulis vanillae


12.19.2022   Royal wanderers settle into a far-away home: Monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus

12.12.2022   Orchids and ants, early invaders of lava flows: Bamboo orchid, Arundina graminifolia and an unidentified ant, Formicidae sp.

12.05.2022   Destination Hawai’i, where strange insects colonize new land: Psyllid galls on ʻŌhiʻa tree, Pariaconus spp.

11.28.2022   Crapemyrtles are not dreaming of a white Christmas: Crapemyrtle bark scale, Acanthococcus (=Eriococcus) lagerstroemiae

11.21.2022   What’s that on an oak leaf? Animal? Plant? Fungus? Nah, gall insect – Galls wasps, Cynipidae

11.14.2022   Two tiny vampires leave their itchy calling cards along the Potomac: black flies, Simuliidae and no-see-ums, Ceratopogonidae

11.07.2022   From the Bug of the Week mailbag: Monarchs aren’t the only orange and black migrant here in the DMV – Variegated Fritillary, Euptoieta claudia

10.31.2022   Bugs in orange and black – Three spooky assassins: milkweed assassin bug, Zelus longipes; orange assassin bug, Pselliopus barberi; and wheel bug, Arilus cristatus

10.24.2022   Bumpy, sticky times for oaks in cities: Oak lecanium scale, Parthenolecanium quercifex

10.17.2022 Sunny with a chance of aphid flurries: Elm cockscomb gall aphid, Colopha ulmicola

10.10.2022  From the Bug of the Week mail bag: Death spider? Nah, Spotted orbweaver, Neoscona crucifera

10.03.2022   Look but do not touch: puss caterpillar, Megalopyge opercularis; White flannel moth, Norape ovina; Io moth, Automeris io; buck moth Hemileuca spp.; and hag moth, Phobetron pithecium

09.26.2022   Steel-blue cricket-hunters steal lives: Steel-blue cricket-hunters, Chlorion aerarium

09.19.2022   When pearly-eye meets dragonfly: Northern pearly-eye, Enodia anthedon, and clubtail dragonflies, Gomphidae spp.

09.12.2022  Devilish times for hickory: Hickory horned devils and royal walnut moths, Citheronia regalis

09.05.2022   Tiny toads and even tinier toad bugs: Big-eyed toad bug, Gelastocoris oculatus

08.29.2022   Underway - doomed flights of spotted lanternflies in the DMV: Spotted lanternflies, Lycorma delicatula 

08.22.2022 The other monarch caterpillar: Milkweed tussock moth, Euchaetes egle

08.15.2022   Weeding can turn spicy when saddlebacks are around: Saddleback caterpillar, Acharia stimulae

08.08.2022   Saving Hercules and a moon moth: Hercules beetle, Dynastes tityus, and Luna moth, Actias luna

08.01.2022   Scorched locust, courtesy of the Locust leafminer, Odontota dorsalis

07.25.2022   My, what big jaws you have my dear: Reddish-brown Stag Beetle, Lucanus capreolus

07.18.2022   Waxy wanderers flocking flowers: Planthoppers - Flatidae and Acanaloniidae

07.11.2022   Feasting and frolicking spell trouble when Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica, arrive

07.04.2022   Small, strange bugs with very long legs: Stilt bugs, Berytidae

06.27.2022   Life and death in a cone flower: Minute pirate bugs, Orius spp., and their prey, flower thrips, Frankliniella spp.

06.20.2022   What are those strange green wrapped leaves in unusual places? Leafcutter bees, Megachilidae

06.13.2022   Cup plant feeds brown ambrosia aphid, Uroleucon ambrosiae, which in turn provides dinner for lynx spiders, lady beetles, long-legged flies, flower flies, and green lacewings

06.06.2022   Nectar rewards for peony protecting body guards: Carpenter ants, Camponotus spp.

05.30.2022   Brood X encore, billions of cicadas? Not this time – Straggling cicadas of Brood X, Magicicada spp.

05.23.2022 A surprisingly early visit by a royal: Monarch butterflies and their caterpillars, Danaus plexippus

05.16.2022 Boisterous bee-havior of ground nesting bees, Colletes thoracicus

05.09.2022   A warming world: range expansions of lone star ticks, Amblyomma americanum, and the alpha-gal they carry

05.02.2022   Time for tigers in the DMV: Six-spotted green tiger beetle, Cicindela sexguttata

04.25.2022   The Nationals aren’t the only ones wearing red at Navy Yard: Get ready for red-shouldered bugs, Jadera haematoloma

04.18.2022   Tents in the Mojave: Western tent caterpillar, Malacosoma californicum

04.11.2022   Gathering seeds and carrying tiny boulders in the desert: Harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex spp.

04.04.2022   From the Bug of the Week Mailbag: Who’s that big spider hanging out on my bedroom drape? Fishing spiders, Pisauridae

03.28.2022 Boxelder bugs on the move: Boxelder bugs, Boisea trivittatus

03.21.2022   Mason bees herald the arrival of spring: Horned-faced and orchard mason bees, Osmia spp.

03.14.2022   Terrifying big spiders soon in the DMV? Meet the Jorō Spider, Trichonephila clavata, and its cousin the Golden Silk Spider, Trichonephila clavipes

03.07.2022   Some great news for western migratory Monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus

02.28.2022   A different stink bug on the move in the kitchen: four-humped stink bug, Brochymena quadripustulata

02.21.2022 From the Bug of the Week mailbag: World’s largest walking stick visits the Goddard Space Flight Center, Northern walkingstick, Diapheromera fermorata

02.14.2022 Surprise visit by a queen: German yellowjacket, Vespula germanica

02.07.2022   Destinations: Piedras Blancas National Park, Costa Rica and a backyard in Columbia, Maryland: Sand wasps – Crabronidae

01.31.2022   Barking up the right tree for the eyed elater, Alaus oculatus

01.24.2022 From the Bug of the Week Mailbag: Non-native mantids, the European mantis, Mantis religiosa, and Chinese mantis, Tenodera sinensis, enjoying North American cuisine

01.17.2022   From the Bug of the Week Mailbag: Daddy-longlegs, the most venomous of all spiders?  Opilionids and Pholcid spiders

01.10.2022 From the Bug of the Week Mailbag: Winter storm, limbs down, power out - blame the cicadas?

01.03.2022 From the Bug of the Week mailbag, termites or ants? Eastern subterranean termites, Reticulitermes flavipes, or Citronella ants, Lasius sp.


12.20.2021   Heliconiids for the holidays: Longwinged butterflies, Heliconiidae

12.13.2021   ‘Twas two weeks before Christmas – Giant bark aphids, Longistigma caryae and giant willow aphids, Tuberolachnus salignus

12.06.2021   Holiday spiders help make the season bright: Jumping spiders, Salticidae and orb weavers, Araneidae

11.29.2021   Winter mild or wild? Ask the banded woolly bear, Pyrrharctia Isabella

11.22.2021   What’s in a name? Ladybug, lady beetle, lady bird beetle – meet the home invading Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle, Harmonia axyridis

11.15.2021   Nasty scale insects spell trouble for American beech trees: Beech bark scale, Cryptococcus fagisuga

11.08.2021   Bugs better beware of feisty feather-legged flies, Trichopoda pennipes  

11.01.2021 Honeydew for honey bees? Spotted lanternflies, Lycorma delicatula

10.25.2021   Just in time for Halloween, spooky spiders invading homes! Wolf spiders, Lycosidae

10.18.2021   What’s all this chirping about? Ask the fall field cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus

10.11.2021   Lace bugs help put the “sick” in sycamore: Sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata

10.04.2021   Beware of zesty drinks! Yellowjackets, Vespula, bumble bees, Bombus, carpenter bees, Xylocopa, and honey bees, Apis, can really spice up soft drinks

09.27.2021   Mallow munchers: Mallow sawfly, a.k.a. Hibiscus sawfly, Atomacera decepta

09.20.2021   Minstrels of the meadow: Short-winged meadow katydid, Conocephalus brevipennis

09.13.2021   Coming soon to your neighborhood? Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula

09.06.2021   Large, scary hornets stripping bark from trees, eating fruit, and going “bump in the night”: European hornet, Vespa crabro

08.30.2021   How a cool creepy insect warms up: Eastern Dobsonfly, Corydalus cornutus

08.23.2021   Monarchs arrive for their annual visit, but for how much longer? Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus

08.16.2021   Zebras along the Potomac: Zebra swallowtail butterflies, Protographium marcellus

08.09.2021   Bird droppings? Nope, clever moths and caterpillars looking like poop: Beautiful wood-nymph, Eastern tiger swallowtail, Black swallowtail, Red-spotted purple 

07.26.2021   Greet the class of 2038 as periodical cicadas hatch in the DMV: Magicicada spp.

07.19.2021   False Milkweed Bug, a.k.a. False Sunflower bug: Lygaeus turcicus

07.12.2021  Squash and squash: Squash bugs, Anasa tristis

07.05.2021 Sweet times for sweat bees: Sweat bees, Halictus ligatus and Agapostemon virescens

06.28.2021   Chemical engineers recycling forest matter: Millipedes, Diplopoda

06.21.2021   Auf wiedersehen Brood X: Cicadas, Magicicada spp.

06.14.2021   Egg-laying and the dark side of cicadas: Cicadas, Magicicada spp.

06.07.2021   Fly, feed, pee: Cicadas, Magicicada species

05.31.2021   An STD in cicada land has cicadas behaving strangely: Magicicada spp. and Massospora cicadina

05.24.2021   Teenagers rockin’ in the treetops: Cicadas, Magicicada spp.

05.17.2021   It’s a hard knock life for periodical cicadas – Magicicada spp.

05.10.2021   Just a trickle, not a flood, so when will the main event happen? And how do you tell the guys from the gals? Periodical Cicadas, Magicicada spp.

05.03.2021   Periodical cicadas come to the University of Maryland - will there be a reward for finding blue-eyed cicadas? Magicicada spp.

04.26.2021 Life underground and the vanguard arrives, Hail Brood X, 2021 in Maryland! Magicicada spp.

04.19.2021   When will we see cicadas in the DMV? Appearance of Magicicada spp.

04.12.2021   Holes appear and the feast begins – Animals dining on periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp.

04.05.2021   Are cicadas locusts?  Locusta spp. and Magicicada spp.

03.29.2021   How are you doing, Class of 2021? Brood X Magicicada spp.

03.22.2021   Two beauties doubling down on defense: The polka-dot wasp moth, Syntomeida epilais, and spotted oleander caterpillar moth, Empyreuma pugione

03.15.2021   At night in the rainforest with scary whip spiders: Amblypygids

03.08.2021   Destination Reserva Nacional Tambopata, Peru: How pleasing are rainforest fungus beetles, Erotylidae?

03.01.2021   Chilean Chinchemolles: the elegant phasmatid, Agathemera elegans

02.22.2021   Mitey troubles for house plants: Twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae

02.15.2021   Ancient insect in a modern world: Silverfish, Lepismatidae

02.08.2021   Lovebugs, kissing bugs, and other insects engaged in intimate activities. What’s all this coziness about?

02.01.2012   Chilly romance for winter stoneflies - Plecoptera: Capniidae and Taeniopterygidae

01.25.2021 Stinky headstands in the desert: Desert stink beetles, genus Eleodes

01.18.2021   For horny beetles, size does matter: Forked Fungus Beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus

01.11.2021   I see icy isopods: Pillbugs, terrestrial Isopoda

01.04.2021   New Year visits by tiny beetles: Carpet beetles and their kin, Dermestidae


12.21.2020   ‘Twas the week before Christmas and what did I spy: The silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci

12.14.2020   Holiday meals served by an alien plant and its cosmopolitan guest: Peach-clematis aphid, Myzus varians

12.07.2020 A blue Christmas for boxwood: Boxwood leafminer, Monarthropalpus flavus

11.30.2020   Small, whitish moths in the pantry? Could be Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella

11.23.2020   Fruit flies, Drosophila spp.: More than just an uninvited Thanksgiving guest!

11.16.2020   Tiny culprit behind my gnarly Nyssa: A leaf-curling gall aphid, Phylloxerina nyssae

11.09.2020   Look out Pennsylvania, an invasive pest is headed your way: Euonymus leaf- notcher, Pryeria sinica

11.02.2020   A gorgeous speedy spider: Marbled orb-weaver, Araneus marmoreus

10.26.2020 Just in time for Halloween, insect zombies! Mind-altered crickets, ants, beetles, flies, and cicadas

10.19.2020   Waxy ladies dance like someone’s watching: Woolly beech aphid, a.k.a. boogie-woogie aphid, Grylloprociphilus imbricator

10.12.2020   An unusual but not unpleasant home invasion by a beneficial beetle: Big-headed ground beetle, Scarites subterraneus

10.05.2020   Garden spiders rockin’ in the DMV: Black and yellow garden spider, Argiope aurantia

09.28.2020   Lanternflies on the move: Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula

09.21.2020   Giant silk moth larvae prepare for winter: Imperial moth, Eacles imperialis

09.14.2020   Plants as camouflage - who thought of it first? Meet the camouflaged looper, Synchlora aerate

09.07.2020   Befriend wasps and they will befriend you:  Digger wasps, Scolia dubia and Scolia nobilitata

O8.31.2020   What lies beneath the wax? A duo of leaf-eating sawflies: Dogwood sawfly, Macremphytus tarsatus, and Butternut woollyworm, Eriocampa juglandis

08.24.2020   A sting to kill a cow? Red velvet ant, a.k.a. cow killer, Dasymutilla occidentalis

08.17.2020   Katydids, crickets, and grasshoppers beware, Great black wasps and katydid wasps are in the air: Sphex spp.

08.10.2020 Two twilight troubadours: Dusk-singing cicadas and katydids

08.03.2020   Missing bugs of the week: Swallowtail butterflies, Papilionidae

07.27.2020   Hey beetles, leave some milkweed for the monarchs: Milkweed leaf beetle, Labidomera clivicollis

07.20.2020   Uh oh, murder hornets in the DMV? Nope, just male cicada killer wasps, Sphecius speciosus

07.13.2020   Monarda marauder: Raspberry pyrausta, Pyrausta signatalis

07.06.2020   Mailbox posts are fine homes for giant resin bees, Megachile sculpturalis

06.29.2020 Deerly departed: food for flesh-recycling carrion beetles - Margined carrion beetle, Oiceoptoma noveboracense, and American carrion beetle, Necrophila americana

06.22.2020 Aphid lions green and brown, aphids you are going down! Chrysopidea and Hemerobiidae

06.15.2020 Recyclers in the Circle of Life: Bess beetles, Odontotaenius disjunctus

06.08.2020   Snap to it and dump those containers or there will be blood! Culex and Aedes mosquitoes

06.01.2020   Cicada surprise in the DMV! Brood IX and straggling Brood X periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp.

05.25.2020 What’s up when aphids have a hole in their rear end: tiny parasitic wasps, Aphidius spp.

05.18.2020   Murder hornets, Take 2: Asian giant hornet, Vespa mandarinia

05.11.2020   Murder Wasps - Time to Panic? Asian giant hornet, Vespa mandarinia

05.04.2020 The Silk Trail: Eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum

04.27.2020 Ground nesting bees beware of Blister beetles - Meloe spp.

04.20.2020 Six-legged Tiger King: six-spotted green tiger beetle, Cicindela sexguttata

04.13.2020 Spring Sunshine Heralds the Appearance of Plasterer Bees, Colletes

04.06.2020 Covid got you blue? Here’s a ‘blue’ to cheer you up: blue Morpho butterfly, Morpho peleides

03.30.2020 Rain on a sunny day: Tropical rainforest cicadas, Dorisiana sp.

03.23.2020 Rainforest Ants 4 - The Bodyguards, Part 2: Azteca ants protecting Cecropia trees

03.16.2020 Rainforest Ants 3 – The Bodyguards, Part 1: Pseudomyrmex ants Protecting Bullhorn Acacias

03.09.2020 Rainforest Ants 2 - Rapacious Raiders: Army ants, Eciton spp.

03.02.2020 Rainforest Ants 1 - Tropical Fungus Farmers: Leafcutter Ants, Atta and Acromyrmex spp.

02.24.2020 A Rainforest Beauty Better for Observing Rather than Touching: Silkmoth Caterpillar, Automeris spp.

02.17.2020 Small Dragons: Dragonflies, Anisoptera

02.10.2020 Walkin’ on Water: Water Striders, Gerridae

02.03.2020 Why Four Eyes? Whirligig Beetles, Gyrinidae

01.27.2020  Upside and downside of a warming world for the despoiler of hemlocks: Hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae

01.20.2020 Scorpion glow, scorpion sting: Slenderbrown and other scorpions in Central America, Centruroides spp.

01.13.2020 Wintry appearance of a strange moth: Fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria

01.06.2020  A surprise visit from my ants: Citronella ants, Lasius sp.


12.23.2019 Dashing through the snow: Snow scorpionflies, Boreus sp.

12.16.2019 A giant among beetles: Hercules beetle, Dynastes tityus

12.09.2019 Beetles roasting on an open fire: Roundheaded borers, Cerambycidae; Flatheaded borers, Buprestidae; and Darkling beetles, Tenebrionidae

12.02.2019 Dashing caterpillars predicting weather and preparing for winter: Banded woolly bear, Pyrrharctia Isabella, Giant woolly bear, Hypercompe scribonia, and Saltmarsh caterpillar, Estigmene acrea

11.25.2019 Pumpkin eaters: Fruit flies, Drosophilidae

11.18.2019 Bug in the bathtub? Nah, house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata

11.11.2019 Getting by on five - can losing a leg save a life? Leaffooted bugs, Leptoglossus and Diactor, field and camel crickets, Gryllus and Diestrammena

11.04.2019 Leaffooted lovers: Leptoglossus spp.

10.28.2019 Bugs in Orange and Black: Defense and romance of the Gulf fritillary, Agraulis vanillae

10.21.2019 Model butterflies: Pipevine swallowtail, Battus philenor, and Polydamas swallowtail, Battus polydamas

10.14.2019 Home grown mantid: Carolina mantid, Stagmomantis carolina

10.07.2019 Bumble bee, carpenter bee, he bee, she bee: Bombus spp., Xylocopa spp.

09.30.2019 They’re baaack! Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Halyomorpha halys

09.23.2019 Searching for Red Admiral caterpillars, Vanessa atalanta

09.16.2019 A sunflower surprise: Silvery checkerspot, Chlosyne nycteis

09.09.2019 Old World mantis with New World tastes: European Mantis, Mantis religiosa

09.02.2019 Tent caterpillars everywhere? Nah - Fall Webworm, Hyphantria cunea

08.26.2019 Trails of despair for wild silk moth caterpillars: Orangestriped Oakworm, Anisota senatoria, and Greenstriped mapleworm, Dryocampa rubicunda

08.19.2019 Admire but do not eat: Elderberry borer, Desmocerus palliatus

08.12.2019 Blossom beetles: Flower Longhorn Beetles, subfamily Lepturinae

08.05.2019 Salt of the earth, salt of the human: Swallowtails and brush-footed butterflies, Papilionidae and Nymphalidae

07.29.2019 Nettles and poop on the menu for the Eastern Comma butterfly, Polygonia comma

07.22.2019 Swallowtail soiree: Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus

07.15.2019 Beetles that go bump in the night: Asiatic Garden Beetles, Maladera Castanea

07.08.2019 The Silk Moth summer continues: Promethea silk moth, Callosamia promethea

07.01.2019 Just in time for the 4th of July: Firefly fireworks - Lampyridae

06.24.2019 A season of silk moths continues with Cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia

06.17.2019 Blossom busters: Oriental beetle, Anomala orientalis

06.10.2019 Coffee and long-legged flies, Dolichopodidae

06.03.2019 Spitting image: Meadow spittle bug, Philaenus spumarius

05.27.2019 Eater of eaters of thistles and other plants: Spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris

05.20.2019 Eaters of thistles: Thistle tortoise beetle, Cassida rubiginosa, and Canada thistle bud weevil, Larinus planus

05.13.2019 Tiny red spots before my eyes: Clover mites, Bryobia praetiosa

05.06.2019 Be on the lookout for Lunas: Luna moths, Actias luna

04.29.2019 Termites take flight: Eastern subterranean termites, Reticulitermes flavipes

04.22.2019 Come one, come all to explore the Insect Petting Zoo – Maryland Day, Saturday April 27, 2019

04.15.2019 Alpha-gal and the Lone Star Tick, Amblyomma americanum

04.08.2019 Busy by day but what do mason bees do at night? Mason bees - Osmia spp.

04.01.2019 Wasp or fly? Stilt-legged flies, mimetic Micropezidae

03.25.2019 Gorgeous Grasshoppers of the Costa Rican Rainforest: Lubber Grasshoppers, Romaleidae, and Airplane Grasshoppers, Eumastacidae

03.18.2019 Lichen what I’m seeing: Tropical Katydids, Longhorned Beetles, and Lanternflies blending with features of bark

03.11.2019 Destination Central Cordillera, Costa Rica: A visit with giant rainforest recyclers, Polydesmid millipedes

03.04.2019 Return to Guatuso, Costa Rica: Trouble for stingless bees - the silver orb weaver, Argiope argentata

02.25.2019 Destination Guatuso, Costa Rica: Stingless bees, Mariolas, in the rainforest (Tribe, Meliponini)

02.18.2019 Return to Volcán del Toro, Costa Rica: Dashing velvet ants, Mutillidae

02.11.2019 Destination Volcán del Toro, Costa Rica: Two-spotted tiger beetle, Pseudoxycheila tarsalis

02.04.2019 Destination Vietnam: Taking it slow with the Vietnamese Walking Stick, Medauroidea extradentata

01.28.2019 Destination Malaysia: Home of the Giant Leaf Insect, Phyllium giganteum

01.21.2019 Oil bees, if you please: Centris nitida

01.14.2019 Destination Sanibel Island, Florida – Taking down air potato: Air Potato Leaf Beetle, Lilioceris cheni

01.07.2019 Destination Sarasota, Florida: To kill a cycad - Cycad scale, Aulacaspis yasumatsui


12.31.2018 Destination Sarasota, Florida: Green and gorgeous Green Orchid Bee, Euglossa Dilemma

12.17.2018 Deck the halls with boughs of holly…and the Native holly leafminer, Phytomyza ilicicola, and Holly berry midge, Asphondylia ilicicola

12.10.2018 Destination Sonoran Desert: A time to sting for the Giant Hairy Desert Scorpion, Hadrurus arizonensis

12.03.2018 Destination Mojave Desert: Defying death by playing dead, Blue Death-Feigning Beetle, Asbolus verrucosus

11.26.2018 Destination Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Florida: Mighty defenses of the eastern lubber grasshopper, Romalea microptera

11.19.2018 Destination Hutchison Island, Florida: a visit with the Twostriped walkingstick, Anisomorpha buprestoides

11.12.2018 Destination New South Wales, Australia: a visit with the Macleay’s spectre, Extatosoma tiaratum

11.05.2018 Giant, Bloodthirsty Mosquitoes? Nah, Crane Flies – Tipulidae

10.29.2018 Bugs in orange and black: A spooky Halloween trick or treat for predators - Small and large milkweed bugs, Lygaeus kalmii and Oncopeltus fasciatus

10.22.2018 Friendly velvety home invaders: Soldier beetle larvae, Chauliognathus spp.

10.15.2018 Good morning, Wolfie: Wolf spiderlings, Lycosidae

10.08.2018 Spiders in the mist: Funnel weaving spider, Pennsylvania Grass Spider, Agelenopsis pennsylvanica

10.01.2018 Pugnacious paper wasps: Polistes metricus or maybe Polistes parametricus

09.24.2018 Girl Scouts and vagabonds: Variegated fritillary, Euptoieta claudia

09.17.2018 Parsley poacher: Black swallowtail caterpillar, Papilio polyxenes

09.10.2018 Humans help wasps, wasps help humans: Four-toothed mason wasp, Monobia quadridens

09.03.2018   Brush-foot butterflies dining on dung: Nymphalidae

08.27.2018   A Good Year for Monarchs? Monarch butterfly, Danaus Plexippus

08.20.2018   Robber flies steal lives: Red-footed cannibal fly, Promachus rufipes

08.13.2018   “Mantises and Martinis”! The Chinese Praying Mantis, Tenodera aridifolia sinensis

08.06.2018   An inside look at baldfaced hornets, Dolichovespula maculata

07.30.2018   Carp diem: Fish and blow flies, Calliphoridae

07.23.2018   Cicadas beware, the ladies are in town: Female cicada killer, Sphecius speciosus

07.16.2018   Lookin’ for trouble: Male cicada killer wasps, Sphecius speciosus

07.09.2018   Tiny recyclers: Booklice and barklice, Psocoptera

07.02.2018   A zealous assassin: Pale Green Assassin Bug, Zelus luridus

06.25.2018   American ladies like licorice: American Lady Butterfly, Vanessa virginiensis

06.18.2018   Vexing rains spawn vexing mosquitoes: inland floodwater mosquito, Aedes vexans

06.11.2018   A bumble bee, or not a bumble bee, that is the question: Miner bees, Anthophora abrupta

06.04.2018   Ground nesting bees beware of the bee fly: Bombyliidae

05.28.2018   Impatient, doomed cicadas of Brood X, Magicada spp.

05.21.2018   Rosie defoliators: Roseslug sawfly, Endelomyia aethiops, Curled rose sawfly, Allantus cinctus, and Bristley rose sawfly, Cladius pectinicornis

05.14.2018   Banneker’s boxelder bugs, Boisea trivittatus

05.07.2018   Stinky exodus underway: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys

04.30.2018   Mason bee-haviors: Osmia spp.

04.23.2018   Come Explore the Insect Petting Zoo at Maryland Day, Saturday, April 28, 2018!

04.16.2018   Destination Potomac, Maryland – Spring arrives and with it, ticks: Lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum, and Blacklegged ticks, Ixodes spp.

04.09.2018   Destination Cahal Pech, Belize to visit rainforest recyclers: Nozzle-headed termites, Nasutitermes sp.

04.02.2018   Destination Belmopan, Belize – Look who’s looking at you: Owl butterflies, Caligo sp.

03.26.2018   Destination Monteverde, Costa Rica: Rainy day in the vanishing cloud forest with butterflies, moths, and froghoppers

03.19.2018   Help find the spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula

03.12.2018   Destination Lizard Island, Australia, and a visit with Green Tree Ants, Oecophylla smaragdina

03.05.2018   Bug of the Week Academy Awards 2018

02.26.2018    Destination La Torre, Peru – Search for the mistress of pain: Bullet Ants, Paraponera clavata  

02.19.2018   Destination Reserva Nacional Tambopata, Peru – The art of deception: can gossamer-wing butterflies, Arawacus sp., dodge lethal attacks?

02.12.2018   Destination Reserva Nacional Tambopata, Peru: How pleasing are rainforest fungus beetles, Erotylidae?

02.05.2018   Destination Villarrica, Chile – Not hidin’ from anyone: the elegant phasmatid, Agathemera elegans

01.29.2018   Destinations La Torre, Peru, and Carara, Costa Rica – Hidin’ in the Rainforest, Part II: cryptic walking sticks, Phasmatidae; horse-head grasshoppers, Proscopidiidae; and mantids, Mantidae

01.22.2018   Destination Tambopata National Reserve, Peru: Hidin’ in the rainforest with cryptic katydids, Tettigoniidae

01.15.2018   Destination Tambopata River, Peru: The search for salt by birds and birdwing moths, Urania sp.

01.08.2018   Destination Puerto Maldonado, Peru: Skipper caterpillars, Hesperiidae, play hide and seek with predators in the rainforest

01.01.2018   Destination Coral Gables, Florida: A visit with Coontie and the Atala butterfly, Eumaeus atala


12.25.2017   Cooley spruce gall adelgids, Adelges cooleyi, decorate the Christmas tree

12.18.2017   ‘Twas the week before Christmas: Giant bark aphids, Longistigma caryae, and giant willow aphids, Tuberolachnus salignus

12.11.2017   Edamame surprise: Soldier flies, Stratiomyidae

12.04.2017   Five-legged cricket in the bathtub: Ceuthophilus spp. (American camel crickets) and Diestrammena spp. (Asian camel crickets)

11.27.2017   Waxy ladies on alder: Woolly Alder Aphid, Paraprociphilus tessellatus

11.20.2017   Seeing spots: Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula

11.13.2017   Flies that mimic wasps: Masquerading syrphid fly, Helophilus sp.

11.06.2017   Window wasps: Grass-carrying wasps, Isodontia spp.

10.30.2017   Bugs in orange and black: Three assassins - milkweed assassin bug, Zelus longipes; orange assassin bug, Pselliopus barberi; and wheel bug, Arilus cristatus

10.23.2017   What is that giant hornet and why is it eating my tree? European hornet, Vespa crabro

10.16.2017   Beautiful in yellow and black: The locust borer, Megacyllene robiniae

10.09.2017   Look but do not touch: Blister beetles, Epicauta pensylvanica and E. funebris

10.02.2017   Deception and defense on cup-plant: Keel-shaped treehopper, Entylia carinata

09.25.2017   On the outside looking in but not for long: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys

09.18.2017   Bumble Bees and other Pollinators Beware of Ambush Bugs, Phymata spp.

09.11.2017   Big spider webs, Part 2: Black and yellow garden spider, Argiope aurantia

09.04.2017   Big spider webs, Part 1: Spotted orbweaver, Neoscona crucifera

08.28.2017   Where have all the spiders gone? Black and yellow mud dauber wasps, Sceliphron caementarium

08.21.2017   Harlequin hijinks: Harlequin bug, Murgantia histrionica

08.14.2017   Catching up with the Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus

08.07.2017   To squash a squash bug: Anasa tristis

07.31.2017   Pumpkin vines on the menu: Squash vine borer, Melittia cucurbitae

07.24.2017   Liquid squirting leafhoppers: Sharpshooters, Cuerna and Oncometopia

07.17.2017   Here’s looking at you, kid! Eyed click beetle, Alaus oculatus

07.10.2017   What is that strange big insect? Dobsonflies, hellgrammites, and fishflies (Corydalidae)

07.03.2017   Mother Nature’s summer light show: Lightning bugs, Lampyridae

06.26.2017   Requiem for early risers: Periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp.

06.19.2017   Sweet and salty: Solitary sweat bee, Augochlora pura

06.12.2017   Recycling ash: Banded Ash Borer, Neoclytus caprea

06.05.2017   It’s a hard-knock life for cicadas: Magicicada spp. and their enemies

05.29.2017   Cicadas: How to tell the guys from the gals, what does an ovipositor do, cicada damage and how to prevent it? Magicicada spp.

05.22.2017   Cranking up the Big Boy Band: Magicicada spp.

05.15.2017   Periodical cicadas up and out of the ground in Maryland, DC, and Virginia - Magicicada spp.

05.08.2017   Welcome Periodical Cicadas of Brood VI and perhaps Broods V and X, Magicicada spp.

05.01.2017   Good bye ash trees of the Potomac: Emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis

04.24.2017   Come one, come all to explore the Insect Petting Zoo: Maryland Day, Saturday April 29, 2017!

04.17.2017   Preserve our air from “The Infection of Dungs”: Rainbow dung beetle, Phanaeus vindex

04.02.2017   Spring’s first mosquitoes and what we might expect this year with Zika Virus and the Yellow Fever Mosquito, Aedes aegypti

03.27.2017   Parasitoids at the porch light: Ichneumon wasps, Ophionine

03.20.2017   Tiny winter leapers: Snow fleas and other springtails, Collembola

03.13.2017   Bloodsuckers in the basement: Subterranean mosquito, Culex pipiens form molestus

03.06.2017   Ectoparasites go to school: Bed Bugs in DC, Cimex lectularius

02.27.2017   Stingless bees in the rainforest: Tribe, Meliponini

02.20.2017   Butterflies pumping on the beach: Daggerwings, Marpesia sp.

02.13.2017   At night in the rainforest, part 4: Big fangs in the night! Costa Rican orange mouth tarantula, Psalmopoeus reduncus, and Mexican redrump tarantula, Brachypelma vagans

02.06.2017   At night in the rainforest, part 3: Paper nest builders, Polybia sp.

01.30.2017   At night in the rainforest, part 2: Round-headed katydids, Amblycorypha sp.

01.23.2017   At night in the rainforest: Whip spiders, Amblypygi

01.16.2017   Tiny hibernal hunters: Dusty-wings, Coniopterigidae

01.09.2017   Tiny wolves in sheep’s clothing: Debris carrying lacewing larvae, Chrysopidae

01.02.2017   Pantry raiders: Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella


12.27.2016   Santa Mantie bids you all a wonderful holiday season!

12.19.2016   Red and green: Tailed jay, Graphium agamemnon, and cotton stainers, Dysdercus sp.

12.12.2016   Legends of Christmas Tinsel and Spiders

12.05.2016   Decorations on the Christmas tree: Egg cases of the European mantis, Mantis religiosa, Chinese mantis, Tenodera sinensis, and Carolina mantis, Stagmomantis Carolina

11.28.2016   Beautiful but dangerous: Black Widow Spiders, Latrodectus spp.

11.21.2016   Recycling of the shrew: Broad-headed bug, Megalotomus quinquespinosus

11.14.2016   An autumn sun dance: Mayflies, Ephemeroptera

11.07.2016   Bugs in Orange and Black, Part 2, beautiful but stinky: Gulf fritillary, Agraulis vanillae

10.31.2016   Bugs in Orange and Black, Predator and Prey: Two-spotted stink bug, Perillus bioculatus, and Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata

10.24.2016   A flower fly grows in Brooklyn: Flowers flies, Syrphidae

10.17.2016   When aphids fill the air: Elm cockscomb gall aphid, Colopha ulmicola

10.10.2016   Singing in the meadow: Short-winged meadow katydid, Conocephalus brevipennis

10.03.2016   Fall is the season for cabbage eaters: Imported cabbage worm, Pieris rapae

09.26.2016   Rain tree surprise: Golden rain tree bug, Jadera haematoloma

09.19.2016   Welcome class of 2016: Large carpenter bees, Xylocopa virginica

09.12.2016   Two other orange and black butterflies: Variegated fritillary, Euptoieta claudia, and great spangled fritillary, Speyeria cybele

09.05.2016   Bringing home the bacon: Paper wasps, Polistes exclamens

08.29.2016   Thread-waisted wasps really dig spotted horsemint: Thread-waisted wasp, Eremnophila aureonotata

08.22.2016   Scary Potter: Potter wasps, Eumeninae

08.15.2016   Now you see ‘em, now you don’t: Silver spotted skipper caterpillars, Epargyreus clarus

08.08.2016   Pawpaws and zebras along the Potomac: Zebra swallowtail butterflies, Protographium marcellus

08.01.2016   Save some milkweed for me! Monarchs and the milkweed tussock moth, Euchaetes egle

07.25.2016   Mounds of mountain marvels: Allegheny mound ant, Formica exsectoides

07.18.2016   One gorgeous beetle: Dogbane leaf beetle, Chrysochus auratus

07.11.2016   Carpenter bee holes make a perfect home for giant resin bee, Megachile sculpturalis

07.04.2016   Oxeye surprise: False milkweed bug, Lygaeus turcicus

06.27.2016   Turning the tables on milkweeds: Milkweed longhorned beetle, Tetraopes sp.

06.20.2016   A bee or not a bee? That is the question! Syrphid fly, Volucella bombylans

06.13.2016   Mason bee peril: Parasitic wasps, Leucospis affinis

06.06.2016   Bug of the Week is ‘Slug of the Week’: Leopard slug, Limax maximus

05.30.2016   Cicada surprise! Brood V and straggling periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp.

05.23.2016   Who’s been sucking on my bee balm? Fourlined plant bug, Poecilocapsus lineatus

05.16.2016   An oil-gathering bee, Centris nitida

05.09.2016   Playing mind games with the seedcorn maggot, Delia platura

05.02.2016   Zika and yellow fever mosquitoes, Take 2: Where in the US is the Yellow Fever Mosquito, Aedes aegypti?

04.25.2016   Sorry DC and Baltimore, no periodical cicadas for you this year: Magicicada spp.

04.18.2016   April’s March flies: Bibionidae

04.11.2016   Get ready for the pale marsh mosquito, Ochlorotatus dorsalis

04.04.2016   Time for ticks: Lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum, Blacklegged ticks, Ixodes spp., and American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis

03.28.2016   Food for caterpillars, food for birds: Cherry trees and Eastern tent caterpillars, Malacosoma americanum

03.21.2016   Boxelder bugs on the move, Boisea trivittatus

03.14.2016   Mason bees make an early debut, Osmia spp.  

03.07.2016   Lousy times: Human head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis, and human body louse, Pediculus humanus humanus

02.29.2016   Bug of the Week Academy Awards 2016

02.22.2016   Cutting leaves here and there: Leafcutter bees, Megachilidae, and leafcutter ants, Atta spp.

02.15.2016   Ant bodyguards here and there: Odorous house ants, Tapinoma sessile, and carpenter ants, Camponotus

02.08.2016   Bugs in love: Lovebugs, kissing bugs, and other insects engaged in intimate activities

02.01.2016   Zika virus and its vector: Yellow Fever Mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti

01.25.2016   Carbo-loading here and there: Odorous house ants, Tapinoma sessile, and harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex

01.18.2016   Carpenter ants here and there: Camponotus spp.

01.11.2016   Froghoppers and spittlebugs here and there: Cercopidae and Aphrophoridae

01.04.2016  Paper nests here and there: Baldfaced hornets, Dolichovespula maculata, and tropical nest builders, Polybia spp.


12.21.2015   ‘Tis the season to inspect your hemlocks for hemlock wooly adelgid, Adelges tsugae

12.14.2015   Green is good for holly berry midge, Asphondylia ilicicola

12.07.2015   Holly surprise: Native holly leafminer, Phytomyza ilicicola

11.30.2015   Lost episodes: “My, what a long tail you have little wasp. The American pelecinid wasp, Pelecinus polyturator

11.23.2015   Spiders in corners, part 2: Cellar spider, Pholcus phalangioides

11.16.2015   Spiders in corners, Part 1: Common house spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum

11.09.2015   Twiggy: The Northern Walkingstick, Diapheromera fermorata

11.02.2015   Aphids serve a tasty autumn treat: White pine aphid, Cinara strobi

10.26.2015   Bugs in Orange and Black, Part II: Halloween Lady Beetle - the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle, Harmonia axyridis

10.19.2015   Bugs in Orange and Black, Part I: An ermine moth, ailanthus webworm, Atteva aurea

10.12.2015   Beware of zesty drinks: Yellowjackets, Vespula, bumble bees, Bombus, and honey bees, Apis, can really spice up soft drinks

10.05.2015   Spiders in the mist: Funnel weaving spider, Pennsylvania Grass Spider, Agelenopsis pennsylvanica

09.28.2015   Got stink bugs? Let us know! Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys

09.21.2015   Tough to be a hornworm: Tomato and tobacco hornworms, Manduca quinquemaculata and M. sexta

09.14.2015   To sting a stinger: Saddleback caterpillar, Acharia stimulae, and brachonid wasp, Cotesia

09.07.2015   Io, io, it’s off to work we go: Io Moth, Automeris io

08.31.2015    Dog days and their cicadas, Neotibicen (formerly Tibicen) species  

08.24.2015   Monarchs and Mojitos: Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus

08.17.2015   The great black wasp turns yellow: Great black wasp, Sphex pensylvanicus

08.10.2015   Bad lady beetles: Mexican bean beetles, Epilachna varivestis

08.03.2015   Cucurbit catastrophe: Squash vine borer, Melittia cucurbitae

07.27.2015   Lawn zoomers: Green June Beetle, Cotinus nitida

07.20.2015   Wolves on a summer’s night: Wolf spiders, Lycosidae

07.13.2015   Summer hummer: Hummingbird moth, Hemaris thysbe

07.06.2015   A fly with a golden touch? Mydas fly, Mydas clavatus

06.29.2015   Blossom buster: Oriental beetle, Anomala orientalis

06.22.2015   Deadly dining: Three-lined potato beetle, Lema daturaphila

06.15.2015   Swallowtail trifecta: Black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes, Spicebush swallowtail, Papilio troilus, and Giant swallowtail, Papilio cresphontes

06.08.2015   Butterflies behaving badly? Lepidoptera puddling

06.01.2015   Ground beetles up in the air: Calosoma wilcoxi and Calosoma scrutator

05.25.2015   Cankerworm conundrums: Fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria

05.18.2015   The next invader: Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula

05.11.2015   Carpenter bees defending territories: Large carpenter bee, Xylocopa virginica

05.04.2015   Spring beauties: Mining bees, Andrena erigeniae

04.27.2015   B’more Battles the Beetle: Emerald Ash Borer, Agrillus plenipennis

04.20.2015   Come one, come all to explore the Insect Petting Zoo – Maryland Day, Saturday April 25, 2015!

04.13.2015   Mason bees make their belated debut, Osmia spp.

04.06.2015   Stinky exodus underway: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys

03.30.2015   Spring sunshine heralds the appearance of plasterer bees: Colletes

03.23.2015   Welcome spring and honey bees, how do you fare? Apis mellifera

03.16.2015   Whips in Xibalba: Whip spiders, Amblypygi

03.09.2015   Battling bewildering botlass flies in Belize: Black flies, Simuliidae

03.02.2015   How one hot spider keeps her cool in the tropics: Golden silk spider, Nephila clavipes

02.23.2015   Beautiful but stinky: Gulf fritillary, Agraulis vanillae

02.16.2015   How Belizean butterflies best their enemies: Polydamas Swallowtail, Battus polydamas

02.09.2015   Dating games of peacock butterflies: White peacock butterfly, Anartia jatrophae, and banded peacock butterfly, Anartia fatima

02.02.2015   The bodyguard: Pseudomyrmex ants protecting bullhorn acacias

01.26.2015   Tropical fungus gardeners: Leafcutter ants, Atta spp.

01.19.2015   Belizean Squirt: Nozzle-headed termites, Nasutitermes sp.

01.12.2015   Take 2 on tropical tiger moths: Spotted oleander caterpillar moth, Empyreuma affinis

01.05.2015   Doubling down on defense: The polka-dot wasp moth, Syntomeida epilais


12.22.2014   Surviving winter, Part IV: A Monarch Christmas in Monterey, Danaus plexippus

12.15.2014   Tinsel and the Christmas spider

12.08.2014   Surviving winter, Part III: Egg cases of the Praying mantis, Mantis religiosa, Chinese mantis, Tenodera sinensis, and Carolina mantis, Stagmomantis carolina

12.01.2014   A beautiful spider: Marbled orb weaver, Araneus marmoreus

11.17.2014   Pumpkin eaters: Fruit flies, Drosophilidae

11.10.2014   Winter survival, Part 1: European hornet, Vespa crabro

11.03.2014   One last song: The curve-tailed bush katydid, Scudderia curvicauda

10.27.2014   Bugs in orange and black III, Halloween edition: Milkweed longhorned beetles, Tetraopes sp.

10.20.2014   Bugs in Orange and Black II: Large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus

10.13.2014   Bugs in Orange and Black I: Milkweed leaf beetle, Labidomera clivicollis

10.06.2014   Be careful around yellowjackets: Eastern yellowjackets, Vespula maculifrons

09.29.2014   Friendly soldiers: Soldier beetles, Chauliognathus spp.

09.22.2014   Stink bugs on the move: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys

09.15.2014   Be careful around baldfaced hornets, Dolichovespula maculata

09.08.2014   Move over American camel crickets, Asian camel crickets are in town: Ceuthophilus sp. (American camel crickets) and Diestrammena sp. (Asian camel crickets)

09.01.2014   White grubs beware! The blue-winged digger wasp, Scolia dubia, has arrived

08.25.2014   The other milkweed caterpillar: Milkweed tussock moth, Euchaetes egle

08.18.2014   Magical monarchs in peril: the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus

08.11.2014   Soggy death to friendly soldiers: Soldier beetles, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus, and their deadly fungus, Entomophthora lampyridarum

08.04.2014   Parsley and dill beware: Black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes

07.28.2014   Chikungunya virus in the United States and its vectors: Yellow Fever Mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti, and Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus

07.21.2014   Midnight marauders: Asiatic garden beetles, Maladera castanea

07.14.2014   Mason wasps: Monobia and Pseudodynerus

07.07.2014   Misery named the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica

06.30.2014   Rain on a sunny day: Sharpshooters, Oncometopia sp.

06.23.2014   Termite or Ant?

06.16.2014   Mallow munchers: Mallow sawfly, Atomacera decepta

06.09.2014   A case of mistaken identity: Crane flies, Family Tipulidae 

06.02.2014   Big black ants in the home: Carpenter ants, Camponotus spp.

05.26.2014   There will be blood! Mosquitoes, Culicidae

05.19.2014   Beware of small pits: Antlions, Family Myrmeleontidae

05.12.2014   Bug of the Week celebrates ten years!

05.05.2014   A good deer: food for carrion beetles, Oiceoptoma noveboracense

04.28.2014   Ground nesting bees, beware the bee fly: Bombyliidae

04.21.2014   A trio of trouble just in time for summer: Blacklegged ticks, Ixodes spp.; American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis; and lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum

04.14.2014   Welcome mason bees, Osmia spp.

04.07.2014   As spring arrives, so do Eastern tent caterpillars, Malacosoma americanum

03.31.2014   Debris carrying lacewing larvae, Chrysopidae

03.24.2014   Preserve our air from “The Infection of Dungs”: Rainbow dung beetle, Phanaeus vindex

03.17.2014   Winter stoneflies: Families Taenioptergidae and Capniidae

03.10.2014   If you be my body guard, I will be your pal: Azteca ants and Cecropia

03.03.2014   Polar Vortex: Did it beat-down the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys?

02.24.2014   Tropical treehoppers – Membracidae

02.17.2014   Rainforest Recyclers: Tractor Millipedes, Polydesmida, and Giant African Millipedes, Archispirostreptus sp.

02.10.2014   Jungle raiders: Army ants, Eciton sp.

02.03.2014   Zombie bees, Apis mellifera, and their tormentor the humpbacked fly, Apocephalus borealis

01.27.2014   Rain on a sunny day: Lanternflies, Fulgoridae

01.20.2014   Nocturnal hunters: Mexican redrump tarantula, Brachypelma vagans

01.13.2014   Malachites on the hilltop - Siproeta stelenes


12.23.2013   Cooley spruce gall adelgids, Adelges cooleyi, decorate the Christmas tree

12.16.2013   Chilly winter days can’t stop the fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria

12.09.2013   In a warming world, here comes the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicata

12.02.2013   A drumstick for me: Camel crickets, Ceuthophilus spp.

11.25.2013   Boxelder bungalow: Boxelder bugs, Boisea trivittatus

11.18.2013   The troubadour downstairs – fall field cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus

11.11.2013   Window wasps: The grass-carrying wasps, Isodontia spp.

11.04.2013   Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home: The Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle, Harmonia axyridis

10.28.2013   Bugs in Orange and Black: Monarch Butterfly, Milkweed Leaf Beetle, Milkweed Bug, and Milkweed Tiger Moth

10.21.2013   Katydid? The curve-tailed bush katydid - Scudderia curvicauda 

10.14.2013   Death of a stink bug, Part 4: They eat dead things - the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys, becomes a meal for the European paper wasp, Polistes dominulus

 10.07.2013   Death of a stink bug, Part 3: Homegrown hospitality - Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys, meets the black and yellow garden spider, Argiope aurantia

 09.30.2013   Death of a stink bug, Part 2: Bug vs. Bug - Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys, meets the wheelbug, Arilus cristatus

09.20.2013   Death of a stink bug, Part 1: A curious reunion between the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Haylomorpha halys, and the Chinese Praying Mantis, Tenodera sinensis

09.13.2013   The gathering storm: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys

09.09.2013   Silkmoth Season, Part 2: A royal welcome – Royal Walnut Moth, Citheronia regalis

08.30.2013   Silkmoth Season, Part 1: Imperial Moth, Eacles imperialis

08.26.2013   Outrage for oaks – Orangestriped Oakworm, Anisota senatoria

08.19.2013   World-wide webworm: Fall Webworm, Hyphantria cunea

08.12.2013   Crickets beware – Steel-blue cricket hunter, Chlorion aerarium

08.05.2013   Swallowtail soiree – Eastern tiger swallowtail, Papilio glaucus

07.29.2013   Move over stink bugs, here comes the kudzu bug, Megacopta cribraria

07.22.2013   It's biting time: Mosquitoes, Culicidae

07.15.2013   Bumble Bees - Beware of Ambush Bugs, Phymata  spp.

07.08.2013   Be careful with bumble bees, Bombus  spp.

07.01.2013   Vipers in the spicebush: Spicebush swallowtail, Papilio troilus

06.24.2013   Adieu Brood II: Magicicada  spp.

06.17.2013   STD in cicada land, Magicicada and Massospora cicadina

06.10.2013   Egg-laying in the treetops: Macicicada, Brood II

05.28.2013   The chorus in the treetop - Magicicada spp., Brood II

05.15.2013   Brood II up in Maryland, Magicicada spp.

05.06.2013   Where is Brood II and when will we see it? Magicicada spp.

04.15.2013   Hail Brood II: Magicicada spp.

04.08.2013   Hail Brood II: Magicicada spp.

04.01.2013   Just can’t wait: Eastern tent caterpillars, Malacosoma americanum

03.25.2013   Winter stoneflies: Families Taeniopterigidae and Capniidae

03.18.2013   Chilean Chinchemolles - The elegant phasmatid, Agathemera elegans

03.11.2013   Cathedral Termites, Nasutitermes triodiae

03.04.2013   Green Tree Ants: Oecophylla smaragdina

02.25.2013   Sticks and Jewels: Matchstick grasshoppers, Eumastacidae, and green jewel bugs, Lampromicra senator

02.18.2013   Orchid beetles down under: Dendrobium beetle, Stethopachys formosa

02.11.2013   Bugs in love: Lovebugs and Kissing bugs

02.04.2013   Stingless bees in Belize – Tribe, Meliponini

01.28.2013   Here’s looking at you - Owl butterflies, Caligo sp.

01.21.2013   Passionate about passion fruit – Zebra longwing butterflies, Heliconius charitonius

01.14.2013   Size does matter: Twostriped walkingstick, Anisomorpha buprestoides

01.07.2013   Dashing through the snow: Snow scorpionflies, Boreus sp.


12.24.2012 ‘Tis the season for the whitefly: The silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, a.k.a Bemesia argentifolii

12.17.2012   The Holly and the Ivy - A two part series: This week the ivy and the thrips, Thripidae

12.10.2012 The Holly and Ivy - A two part series: This week the holly and the native holly leaf miner, Phytomyza ilicicola

12.03.2012   Pantry surprises - Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella

11.26.2012 Decorations on the Christmas tree: Egg cases of the Praying mantis, Mantis religiosa, Chinese mantis, Tenodera sinensis, and Carolina mantis, Stagmomantis carolina

11.12.2012   Northern hospitality for the Florida predatory stinkbug, Euthyrhynchus floridanus, and wax scales, Ceroplastes spp.

11.05.2012   Mallow on the menu for the scentless plant bug, Niesthrea lousianica

10.29.2012   Stylish Lepidoptera: Ermine Moth, Atteva aurea; Yellow-Collared Scape Moth, Cisseps fulvicollis; Pearl Crescent, Phyciodes tharos; Variegated Fritillary, Euptoieta claudia

10.15.2012   Dashing caterpillars predicting weather - Woolly Bears, Pyrrharctia Isabella, Saltmarsh caterpillar, Estigmene acrea, and Leopard moths, Hypercompe scribonia

09.24.2012 Hocus-pocus: Silver spotted skipper, Epargyreus clarus

09.17.2012   A gathering storm: Halyomorpha halys

09.10.2012 Mystery of the frass revealed: Camouflaged looper, Synchlora aerata

09.03.2012 The royals are in the house - the Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus

08.27.2012   Stinging caterpillars –White flannel moth, Norape ovina, and Saddleback caterpillar, Acharia stimulea

08.20.2012   Beware of mosquitoes and West Nile Virus

08.06.2012 Scorched locust - Locust Leafminer, Odontota dorsalis

07.30.2012 Herbs beware! Black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes

07.23.2012 Damsels not in distress – Damselflies, Zygoptera

07.16.2012   Here’s looking at you, kid: Eyed click beetle, Alaus oculatus

07.09.2012   The killing fields – Dog day cicadas, Tibicen spp., and Cicada killer wasps, Sphecius speciosus

07.02.2012   Summer nights and Lucifer’s lights – Lightning bugs, Lampyridae

06.25.2012  Deadly dining – Three lined potato beetle, Lema trilineata

06.18.2012   Misery named the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica

06.11.2012   A welcomed vagabond - Variegated fritillary, Euptoieta claudia

06.04.2012   Recyclers in the circle of life - Bess beetles, Odontotaenius disjunctus

05.28.2012   Lace bugs on the attack!

05.21.2012   Maple Eyes – Ocellate maple gall midge, Acericecis ocellaris

05.14.2012   Death by fly: Flower Flies (a.k.a. hover flies), Syrphidae

05.07.2012   A sweeter side of aphids, Aphididae

04.30.2012   Twisting the day away: Boxwood leafminer, Monarthropalpus flavus

04.23.2012   Explore the Insect Petting Zoo – Saturday April 28, 2012

04.16.2012 Tiger, tiger, burning bright! Six-spotted green tiger beetle, Cicindela sexguttata

04.09.2012   Spring beauties: Plasterer bees and yellow-faced bees, Colletidae

04.02.2012   Yet another exotic invader: Euonymus leaf notcher, Pryeria sinica

03.26.2012 Hail mason bees, Osmia spp.- Harbingers of Spring!

03.19.2012   Exodus underway: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys

03.12.2012   Ants protecting plants: Pseudomyrmex ants and bullhorn Acacias

03.05.2012   Tropical fungus gardeners - Leafcutter ants: Atta and Acromyrmex spp.

02.27.2012   Green Tree Ant Sister Act: Oecophylla smaragdina

02.20.2012   Coontie and the Atala butterfly, Eumaeus atala

02.13.2012   Beetles roasting on an open fire: Roundheaded borers, Cerambycidae, and Darkling beetles (Family Tenebrionidae)

02.06.2012   Bugs in love: lovebugs and kissing bugs

01.30.2012   Snow fleas, Collembola

01.23.2012   Dashing through the snow: Snow scorpionflies, Boreus sp.

01.16.2012   Ever seen a stone fly? - Winter stoneflies, Family Taeniopterygidae

01.09.2012   A moth in winter - the fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria  

01.02.2012   Deck the Hollies with trails of leaf miners - Phytomyza ilicicola    


11.07.2011   There's a sucker born every day - Tuliptree scale, Toumeyella liriodendri

08.15.2011   Return of the royals - the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus.

 08.08.2011   Summer stingers – Eastern yellowjackets, Vespula maculifrons

07.18.2011   Milkweed and dogbane do battle: Milkweed longhorned beetle, Tetraopes sp., and dogbane leaf beetle, Chrysocus auratus 

06.20.2011   Genie out of the bottle - Emerald Ash Borer, Agrillus plenipennis

06.06.2011   St. Mary's survivors – Cicadas of Brood XIX


12.20.2010   The gift of the Manti - European praying mantid, Mantis religiosa

10.18.2010   Aposematic autumn moths: Yellow-collared scape moth, Cisseps fulvicollis, and Ermine moth, Atteva aurea

09.13.2010   Heroes of the true bug clan - Two spotted stink bug, Perillus bioculatus, and spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris

08.23.2010   Bed bugs in the news, Cimex lectularius

05.31.2010   Parasitoids to the rescue - Emerald Ash Borer, Agrillus plenipennis, and its assassins Oobius agrili, Tetrastichus planipennisi, and Spathius agrili

05.03.2010   Playground ants: Citronella or Large yellow ants, Acanthomyops interjectus, and field ants, Formica sp.

01.25.2010 Nothing could be fina than a bug from Carolina - Carolina mantid, Stagmomantis


11.23.2009   It's the wheel thing, the wheel bug, Arilus cristatus

09.28.2009   Unwanted picnic guests – Yellow Jackets, Vespula spp.

07.20.2009   Mosquito redux - Culicidae 

07.13.2009   Hercules: Hercules beetle, Dynastes tityus

07.06.2009   Stingers: Baldfaced hornets, Dolichovespula maculata

06.01.2009   Aphids and their bodyguards – Aphididae and Formicidae

03.02.2009   The trees have eyes - Owl butterflies, Caligo sp.



11.10.2008   Home Invaders IV - Attack of the red and black, Boxelder bugs, Boisea trivittatus

06.16.2008   Discriminating detritivores: Pillbugs, Isopoda

05.19.2008   Death by beetle: Multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis

03.03.2008   Who are you? Carolina mantids (Stagmomantis carolina), wax scales (Ceroplastes), and katydids   

02.25.2008 Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice, and multicolored Asian lady beetles, Harmonia axyridis   

02.18.2008   Savvy Zebras - Zebra butterflies, Heliconius charitonius    



12.03.2007   Starry sky beetle - Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis

10.01.2007   Bird-droppings, snake eyes, dead leaves – Swallowtails, Papilio sp.

06.18.2007   Small Dragons – Dragonflies, Anisoptera

05.27.2007   Jersey skeeters – Tipulidae 

04.09.2007 Spring leapers: Jumping spiders, Family Salticidae


11.27.2006   Waxy ladies: Hyperaspis ladybugs

11.05.2006 Back by Popular Demand - Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home: The Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle, Harmonia axyridis

07.03.2006   Hooray for the red, white, and blue! Milkweed longhorned beetle, Tetraopes tetraophthalmus; dogbane tiger moth, Cycnia tenera; and familiar bluet, Enallagma civile

05.15.2006 Field ants to the rescue- Formica sp.

05.08.2006 Murder and mayhem in aphid land: Ladybugs, Coccinellidae; Flower flies, Syrphidae; and parasitic wasps, Chalcidoidea and Brachonidae

04.10.2006   A wolf in sheep's clothing - Debris carrying lacewing larvae, Chrysopidae

02.27.2006   Small Olympians - Snow fleas, Collembola


11.14.2005   A stinker at the window - Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys

11.07.2005   Dashing caterpillars predicting weather: Woolly bears, Pyrrharctia Isabella; yellow bears, Spilosoma virginica; and leopard moths, Hypercompe scribionia

10.31.2005   BUGS IN ORANGE AND BLACK: Orangestriped oakworm, Anisota senatoria; Harlequin bug, Murgantia histrionica; Large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus; Milkweed Tussock Moth Larva, Euchaetes egle

09.12.2005   The lion in my garden: Aphid lions, Chrysoperla carnea

09.05.2005   Katydid? The curve-tailed bush katydid, Scudderia curvicauda

08.29.2005   Bed Bug of the Week, Cimex lectularius

08.15.2005 The troubadour downstairs: fall field cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus

07.18.2005   Gold in the meadow: the dogbane beetle, Chrysocus auratus

07.11.2005 Roses beware, Japanese beetles are in the air! Popillia japonica

07.04.2005 Summer nights - Lucifer's lights

06.27.2005 The Tiger in my frisbee: The Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes albopictus

06.20.2005   Lions in the sand: Antlions, Family Myrmeleontidae

06.13.2005   Who's your maggot? Flower flies, hover flies, drone flies, syrphid flies: Family Syrphidae

06.06.2005   Just in the tick of time: American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, and Black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis

05.23.2005   She's a lady - or is she? The Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle, Harmonia axyridis

05.16.2005   Anne Arundel County - This Bug's for You: The Euonymus Leaf Notcher, Pryeria sinica

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