Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
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The Colorado potato beetle larva dangling from the beak of the adult two-spotted stink bug will soon be drained of blood.

Sooty mold growing on honeydew produced by scale insects change the color of this branch from brown to black.

Blue orchard mason bees are early season pollinators of some of our most important fruit crops, like apples and cherries.

Boxwood leafminer larvae and pupae can be found inside the galled leaf tissue before adults emerge in spring.

Fecal spots on the underside of leaves are a sure sign of lace bugs such as this gorgeous andromeda lace bug.

Glowworms patrol the soil in search of worms, slugs, and other soft-bodied invertebrates that are their prey.

This resident of Florida, a predatory stink bug, was observed chillin’ on the bark of an elm tree in College Park last week.

Adult Indian meal moths like these two stuck in a pheromone trap often flutter about pantries and cupboards.

Longwing butterflies collect pollen on their proboscis and extract nutritious amino acids from the grains.

Larvae of the Dendrobium beetle secrete strands of white waxy material to sculpt a fluffy pupal chamber.

The eastern tent caterpillar is a beautiful beast with blue stripes and patches on the side and a white stripe down the center of the back.

After dropping to earth, tiny cicada nymphs burrow underground and attach to the roots of plants to feed.